Operation Relocation
As the station was preparing to move to the new studio at 419 Lovett Blvd, KPFT embarked on a crash fundraising program, which included a 24 hour marathon programming block.
Thanks to https://archive.org/details/kpft-relocation-marathon-1974 a portion of that marathon has been preserved.
Per the archive.org page referenced above the sample here is a "recording of the station being received in Ancaster, Ontario, Canada via sporadic e-skip propagation. This occurred on June 15, 1974 while they were running a relocation telethon. The only equipment used was a multi-band Realistic portable from Radio Shack. "
Thanks to the KPFT signal bouncing off the ionosphere at exactly the right angle, Houston's own 90.1 was recorded from 1,300 miles away.
On-air voices include "Captain Macho."
Audio Clip
1. Relocation Operation Marathon