The Beginning

The genesis for this entire site began during COVID, as the studio at 419 Lovett Blvd shut down and programming shifted to a pre-recorded format. In that same time period long time station stalwarts declined in health and/or ended their tenure on the air.

With the long term shutdown of the studio and that building's physical decay becoming evident, the decision to place it on the market yanked the rug from under the only home KPFT had for most of its life.

Following the sale of the building, a small group, me among them, was allowed to enter the premises with approval from the new owner, prior to the building's demolition. In the attic, behind decades of broken and obsolete broadcast equipment, was a small closet and inside there rested a treasure trove of files, newspapers, and other documents.

The Files

Despite the heat, humidty, insect damage, and rodent activity everything was in excellent shape, all things considered.

( Select Read More to see a photo gallery and inventory of the boxes. )

Initially, my interest was academic, and so I reached out to local University librarians about preserving this material. Eventually that may well be the final home for this collection, provided no one at KPFT/Pacifica wants them back. In the interim, rather than see the contents locked in a minimally accessible archival space, I intend to curate a collection on this website to make these materials as widely available as possible.

KPFT always needs support and it is my hope that this kind historical access can drive much needed resources to the continuance of the station.

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