Box A - new label under existing box number designation
No lid
Outside labeling reads "Box 1" "Program Guides 1975-1988 (1991)"
Contents (as labeled and stored):
KPFA Folios 1983-84, Manilla Folder
1. April 1982 KPFA Folio
2. June 1983 KPFA Folio
3. October 1983 KPFA Folio
4. January 1984 KPFA Folio
5. March 1984 KPFA Folio
6. April 1984 KPFA Folio
KPFK Folios 1973-74, Manilla Folder
1. July 1973
2. October 1973
3. January 1974 x2
4. March 1974
5. August 1974
6. October 1974
WBAI Folio 1984, Manilla Folder
1. April 1984
2. May 1984
3. June 1984
Program Guides 1991, Manilla Folder
1. January/February KPFT 90.1 Pacifica Radio
2. March/April KPFT 90.1 Pacifica Radio
3. July/August KPFT 90.1 Pacifica Radio
Program Guides 1990, Manilla Folder
1. July/August KPFT 90.1 Pacifica Radio
2. September/October KPFT 90.1 Pacifica Radio
3. November/December KPFT 90.1 Pacifica Radio
Program Guides 1989, Manilla Folder
1. January/February KPFT 90.1 Pacifica Radio
2. March/April KPFT 90.1 Pacifica Radio
3. May/June KPFT 90.1 Pacifica Radio
4. July/August KPFT 90.1 Pacifica Radio
5. September/October KPFT 90.1 Pacifica Radio
6. November/December KPFT 90.1 Pacifica Radio
KPFT Program Guides 1988, Manilla Folder
1. January/February KPFT 90.1 Pacifica Radio
2. March/April KPFT 90.1 Pacifica Radio
3. May/June KPFT 90.1 Pacifica Radio
4. September-October KPFT 90.1 Pacifica Radio
5. November/December KPFT 90.1 Pacifica Radio
KPFT Program Guides 1987, Manilla Folder
1. March April KPFT 90.1 Pacifica Radio
2. May June KPFT 90.1 Pacifica Radio
3. July August KPFT 90.1 Pacifica Radio
4. November December KPFT 90.1 Pacifica Radio
KPFT Program Guides 1986, Manilla Folder
1. January/February Pacifica Radio Program Guide
2. September/October Pacifica Radio Program Guide
3. November-December Pacifica Radio Program Guide
KPFT Program Guides 1985, Manilla Folder
1. January Pacifica Radio Program Guide
2. February Pacifica Radio Program Guide
3. March Pacifica Radio Program Guide
4. April Pacifica Radio Program Guide
5. May-June KPFT-FM 90 Program Guide
6. July-August Pacifica Radio Program Guide
7. September-October Pacifica Radio Program Guide
8. November-December Pacifica Radio Program Guide
KPFT Program Guides 1984, Manilla Folder
1. January KPFT 90FM Pacifica Radio In Houston
2. February KPFT 90FM Pacifica Radio In Houston
3. April KPFT 90FM Pacifica Radio In Houston
4. July KPFT 90FM Program Guide
5. August KPFT 90FM Program Guide
6. September KPFT 90FM Program Guide
7. October KPFT 90FM Program Guide
8. November KPFT 90FM Program Guide
9. December KPFT 90FM Program Guide
KPFT Program Guides 1983, Manilla Folder
1. January Radio Guide
2. February Radio Guide
3. March Radio Guide
4. April Radio Guide
5. July Radio Guide
6. September Radio Guide
KPFT Program Guides 1982, Manilla Folder
1. February Radio Guide
2. March-April Radio Guide
3. May Radio Guide
4. June Radio Guide
5. July Radio Guide
6. August Radio Guide
7. September Radio Guide
8. October Radio Guide
9. November Radio Guide
10. December Radio Guide
KPFT Program Guides 1981, Manilla Folder
1. June Listen
2. October KPFT
3. November KPFT
4. December KPFT
Program Guides 1979, Manilla Folder
1. April Listen To A Different Perspective
2. June Kinds Of Perspective
Program Guides 1978, Manilla Folder
1. January KPFT Program Guide
Program Guides 1977, Manilla Folder
1. January The Mighty 90 News & World Report
Program Guides 1976, Manilla Folder
1. January-February The Mighty 90 News & World Report
2. March The Mighty 90 News & World Report
3. June The Mighty 90 News & World Report
4. July-August The Mighty 90 News & World Report
5. September The Mighty 90 News & World Report
6. October The Mighty 90 News & World Report
Program Guides 1975, Manilla Folder
1. February The Mighty 90 News & World Report
2. March The Mighty 90 News & World Report
3. April The Mighty 90 News & World Report
4. August The Mighty 90 News & World Report
5. September The Mighty 90 News & World Report
6. October The Mighty 90 News & World Report
Program Guides 1974, Manilla Folder
1. January Folio
2. February Folio
3. March Folio
4. April Radio Guide
5. May Radio Guide
6. June Mighty 90 News
7. July Mighty 90 News
8. August Mighty 90 News
9. September Mighty 90 News
10. December Mighty 90 News
11. April Program Calendar
Program Guides 1973, Manilla Folder
1. January Radio Guide
2. February Radio Guide
3. March Radio Guide
4. April Radio Guide
5. May Radio Guide
6. June Radio Guide
7. September Radio Guide
8. October Radio Guide
9. November Radio Guide
10. December Radio Guide
Program Guides 1972, Manilla Folder
1. March Radio Guide
2. April Radio Guide
3. June Radio Guide
4. July Radio Guide
5. August Radio Guide
6. September Radio Guide
7. October Radio Guide
8. November Radio Guide
9. December Radio Guide
Program Guides 1971, Manilla Folder
1. January
2. February
3. March
4. April
5. May
6. August
7. September
8. October
Houston Breakthrough, May 1979
Womynspace Community Calendar/Newsletter, February 9988
Box B - New Label On Box
Lid Reads "Program Guides 1974-82 Box 2"
Box reads "Financial misc. 85-94 Assetts 83-89"
Folios & Program Guides (misc and unsorted, moved to Box A and filed chronologically)
1. 1970: March, May, & June
2. 1984: August
3. 1984: April (14x), July (4x), October (2x)
4. 1983: February
5. 1988: July-August (7x)
6. 1987: March April
7. 1990: March/April
8. WBAI: April, 1979
KPFT General Ledger Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 1970
Financial Statements FY 9/30/71 Manilla Folder
1. 1979 document with operating cost breakdowns and comparisons to other Pacifica stations
2. Monthly financial statements for FY71
3. 1975 grant application
4. 1975 monthly financial statements
5. Undated programming essay
1976 Manilla Folder
1. Minutes from the (inaugural) Development Committee meeting April, 1976
Photos 1977 Manilla Folder - contents missing
KPFT - 1981
1. Envelope with cutouts for pre-print flyer mockup
2. glossy card stock with color logo or sticker sample
3. Typed letter / CV / Resume from Margie Glaser to Jean Palmquist, dated 10/22/1981
4. Orange Mead Spiral Notebook labeled -JP- 1981 appears to be notes from Jean Palmquist, General Manager
5. Original mockup & 4 copies of reminder (sized to tape up in studio and read on the air?)
6. Undated ( December heading ) and unsigned draft copy typed note. Reads like a manager's PSA spot or newsletter message. Probably from Jean Palmquist.
7. One page mockup of three pledge cards
8. April 1980 financial report
T-shirt Contest 1981 Manilla Folder
1. Folded oversized paper with color marker annotated design. Would fit inside envelop from item 2.
2. Small envelope from John Turner with cutout full color small sample of previous item.
3. Large envelope from Baxter & Baxter to Jean Palmquist containing construction paper sketch & cutout design.
Letters 1981 Blue Manilla Folder
1. Typed Correspondence to general manager dealing with several complaints from building neighbors and staff.
1981 KPFT Papers Manilla Folder
1. 1981 Women's Business Directory
2. list of staff for inclusion in newsletter
3. Development Committee members list
4. Proposal for Media For Children outreach programming
5. two page handwritten lettter, unsigned or dated, from general manager, regarding tower issues and programming issues. Pages appear to be missing.
6. Copied page of contact information for communications and insurance companies.
7. Dec 11, 1981 letter from GM Jean Palmquist attached to Pacifica mission statement and programmer survey.
8. Envelope to Jean Palmquist from Texas Department Of Public Welfare with welfare fact sheet.
9. Temporary Satellite Terminal Sharing Agreement, dated Jan 15, 1982, between KUHF and KPFT.
10. Blank check requisition form
11. November 1981 Payroll
12. Program Application from Ann Heinrich for late night musical show.
13. T-shirt order form and notes thereof
14. Various financial records
15. Hand written note on graph paper from Joanne Weinzierl
16. Yellow legal paper list of names and contact information
17. Letter to Ray Hill regarding printer
18. Letter from NPR regarding fees
19. Graph paper notes and sketch of new equipment
20. Oct 1080 to April 1981 financial documents
Pacifica Foundation Folder 1981
1. Information packet regarding CPB and challenges to government funding of public media
1982 Manilla Folder
1. Letter about El Salvador Event
2. Typed letter from TDCJ inmate requesting program guide
3. Various financial documents
1983 Manilla Folder
1. Handwritten letter to Debra Danberg regarding tower and legal issues. Appears to be missing a page(s).
2. Tower relocation bulletin and fundraising plan
Womens Day 1983 - Empty Manilla Folder
1983 Relocation Project Manilla Folder
1. Various documents regarding relocation of broadcast tower equipment
Staff Meeting reports 1983 Manilla Folder
1. Undated KPFT Conference agenda
2. Meeting notes from 1-5, 1-18, 2-8, 2-22
3. Building committe note
KPFT 1983 White Folder
1. Summer Sprint & Fall Marathon pledge documents
2. KPFT Conference Agenda and documents
3. Summary of schedule by content typed
Orange KPFT Folder
1. Mostly duplicates KPFT 1983 White Folder (conference handout?)
KPFT Programs Survey 1983 Manilla Folder
1. Programmer responses to program options survey, some with handwritten notes
1983 International Talent Festival Green Plastic Folder
1. Various documents related to event
1985 KPFT Job Descriptions Manilla Folder
1. Descriptions of 10+ station jobs
2. Resumes and applications for positions
1985-1986 Charter Review Committee
1. Numerous files and records from the charter review committee
KPFT Production Studio Training Manual Fall 1986
1986 Music Of India 10 Year Anniversary
1. Production material for card
1987 Gumbo Cook-Off Manilla Folder
1. Various documents, financial and after action report
Program Director Search 87 File Pocket
1. Numerous notes, resumes, applications, and supporting documents for PD search. Approx 1 inch thick file
1988 Manilla Folder
1. Press copy from 4th annual gumbo cook-off
2. NPR press release for afropop musician
3. Press release for Rick Kellis
1988 Gumbo Cook-Off Manilla Folder
1. After action analysis
2. Planning documents
3. Lawsuit between vendor and Pe-Te
4. Financial records
5. Artwork: poster or t-shirt designs
1993 Playlists Manilla Folders, 3x, empty
NPL Red Letter Sized Envelope
1. Negatives and Proofs from KPFT event (gumbo cookoff?)
2. Performer headshots (2x)
FCC Annual Employment Report Instructions Manilla Folder
1. Press clippings from 1983-84
Box C Lid edge reads "Program Guides 1975-88-91",Top lists contents:
"KPFT Archives
~ Letters from 1970s-1990s
~ Pacifica Folios / Guides & Other Mags
~ Marketing Materials
~ T-shirt Design Entries"
Other Pacifica Guides / Folios (Re-filed in Box A)
1. Montrose Voice June 8, 1984
2. Womynspace Community Calendar/Newsletter, February 9988 (1988? archived at -jw)
3. WPFW Folios: June 1982, Oct 1984, Nov 1984, July 1985, Spet 1985, Oct 1985, Dec 1985, March 1986
4. WBAI Folios: June-July 1982, Sept 1985, Oct 1985, Oct 1992, Nov 1992, Feb 1993, March/April 1993, May/June 1993
5. WYSO Radio Guide June 1985, April 1984
6. WBUR Folio June 1984, Oct 1974
7. WMNF undated program guide
8. KUOP Program Guide June 1984
9. WOMR Program Guide Jan 1984
10. KBOO Program Guide January 1984
11. KOPN-FM 1973-1983 History Of Community Radio Station newspaper
12. Houston Press Sept 1998, Sept 1995, Sept 1996, Sept 1997: Best Of Houston editions featuring KPFT
Yellow Hand Bound Volume Titled "A Friendly Look At Radio Station KPFT On The Move and Settled In"
Green binder folio titled "PACIFICA PAPERS AND REPRINTS Collected May, 1972 Volume I for KPFT"
FCC Stuff Manilla Folder
1. 1969 letter from Washington DC attorney to Lawrence Lee
2. FCC legal paperwork continuance request dated Jan 5, 1970
3. "Trial By Battle," by Edward Lamb
Station Operation Papers Manilla Folder
1. misc documents from lates 60s through 80s
2. Clipped together memo from "Mary Helen," and numerous hand written pages dated in the early 90s. Meeting minutes, ideas, notes, etc recorded.
3. November 1994 copy of "Mics, Meters, & More," the KPFT Volunteer Newsletter
1960s Magazines Manilla Folder
1. June, 1969 copies of Time, Sports Illustrated, and US News & World Reports
Pacifica Foundation Hearings, 1963 Manilla Folder
1. Copies of Senate Hearings referenced in item #1 from the FCC Stuff folder
Letters 1970
1. Collected Correspondence, dated 1970-2000s
CPB 1971 Grant Report Manilla Folder
1. Grant related documents including applications, financial, etc
1973 Perspective Manilla Folder (Folder discarded, items re-filed in Box A
1. July 1979 Perspective newsletter (5x)
2. June 1979 Perspective newsletter
3. April(?) 1979 Perspective newsletter
Letters 1980 Manilla Folder
1. Various Correspondence across many dates in the 1980s
Letters 199x(x is damage to label) Manilla Folder
1. Minimal listener Correspondence
2. Numerous documents relating to CPB funding and station employee Correspondence
Media Clips Manilla Folder
1. Original artwork for T-shirt printing - 6th Annual Gumbo Cook-Off and Cajun Bandstand
2. Faded fax copy of dove logo design
3. 1994 copies of logo/t-shirt designs
Station Marketing Materials Manilla Folder
1. envelope with multiple KPFA and KPFT stickers
2. 1970s folio advertising documents
3. Belcher Group advertising mockups from late 1980s
4. Trifold KPFT brochures from mid 80s and Pacifica fundraising mailers
Sealed envelope labeled "Souvenir Of Haircut March 26, 1969"
Soundcheck Newsletter Summer/Fall 1994 (5x)
Soundcheck Newsletter Summer 1993 (25+)
Burned DVD of African American cemetery service
Cassette Tape dated 2/86 labeled News Task Force / Pacifica Radio News Cast
Box D: No original exterior labels
1972 Radio Guides Manilla Folder
1. April 1972 Radio Guide
2. July 1972 Radio Guide
3. January? Radio Guide (purple cover)
1973 Radio Guides Manilla Folder
1. January Radio Guide
2. March Radio Guide
3. April Radio Guide
4. May Radio Guide
5. July Radio Guide 2x
6. August Radio Guide
7. September Radio Guide
8. October Radio Guide 2x
9. November Radio Guide
10. December Radio Guide
August 1980 Manilla Folder
1. August Radio Guide 15x+ copies
Studio X KPFT 1981 Manilla Folder
1. June 1981
2. December 5x
3. May? 3x + partials
4. September 2x + partial
5. October?
6. June? Fragment
7. March? Fragment
April 1984 Manilla Folder
1. April KPFT 90Fm (22x)
March 1984 Manilla Folder
1. March KPFT FM90 (9x)
February 1984 Manilla Folder
1. February KPFT FM90 (6x)
January 1984 Manilla Folder
1. January KPFT FM90 (6x)
April 1983 Manilla Folder
1. April KPFT FM90 (3x)
January 1983 Manilla Folder
1. January KPFT FM90 (3x)
October 1983 Manilla Folder
1. October KPFT FM90 (2x)
November 1984 Manilla Folder
1. November KPFT FM90 (9x)
October 1984 Manilla Folder
1. October KPFT FM90 (16x)
September 1984 Manilla Folder
1. September KPFT FM90 (12x)
August 1984 Manilla Folder
1. August KPFT FM90 (14x)
July 1984 Manilla Folder
1. July KPFT FM90 (14x)
Jan/Feb 1986 Manilla Folder
1. Program Guide 1986 January/February (2x)
Nov/Dec 1985 Manilla Folder
1. Program Guide 1985 November/December (2x)
Sept/Oct 1985 Manilla Folder
1. Program Guide 1985 September/October (5x)
July/August 1985 Manilla Folder
1. Program Guide 1985 July/August (3x)
May/June/Dec 1985 Manilla Folder
1. Program Guide 1985 May/June (3x)
March 1985 Manilla Folder
1. Program Guide 1985 March (2x)
January 1985 Manilla Folder
1. Program Guide 1985 January (2x)
December 1984 Manilla Folder
1. Program Guide 1984 December (6x)
July/Aug 1986 Manilla Folder
1. KPFT FM 90.1 July/Auqust(3x)
Sept/Oct 1986 Manilla Folder
1. KPFT FM 90.1 September/October(8x)
Nov/Dec 1986 Manilla Folder
1. KPFT FM 90.1 November-December 1986(11x)
Jan/Feb 1987 Manilla Folder
1. KPFT FM 90.1 January-February 1987(13x)
March/April 1987 Manilla Folder
1. KPFT FM 90.1 March 1987 April (partial, missing pages)
May/June 1987 Manilla Folder
1. KPFT FM 90.1 May 1987 June
July/Aug 1987 Manilla Folder
1. KPFT FM 90.1 July 1987 August (4x)
Nov/Dec 1987 Manilla Folder
1. KPFT FM 90.1 November-December (5x)
Jan/Feb 1988 Manilla Folder
1. KPFT FM 90.1 January-February
May/June 1988 Manilla Folder
1. KPFT FM 90.1 May 1988 (2x)
Sept/Oct 1988 Manilla Folder
1. KPFT FM 90.1 September-October 88 (2x)
Nov/Dec 1988 Manilla Folder
1. November/December 88 (2x)
March/April 1989
1. KPFT FM 90.1 March/April 1989
May/June 1989
1. May/June 1989 (2x)
July/August 1989
1. July/August 1989 (3x)
Sept/Oct 1989
1. September/October 1989 (2x)
Nov/Dec 1989
1. November/December 1989
June/July 1990
1. July/August 1990 (2x)
Sept/Oct 1990 Manilla Folder
1. KPFT FM 90.1 September/October 1990 (4x)
Nov/Dec 1990
1. KPFT FM 90.1 November/December 1990 (6x)
March/April 1991 Manilla Folder
1. KPFT FM 90.1 March/April 1991 (7x)
Dateless? Manilla Folder
1. single page from 80s editions
2. August 1, 1973 (possibly a fragment)
3. Mighty 90 News, November 1975 (Bob Rogers GM)
4. A State Of Minds (likely May 1984)
Current: The Public Telecommunications Newspaper Dec 1994-July 1997 Manilla Folder
1. Current Dec 12, 1994
2. Current Jan 16, 1995
3. Current Feb 6/20, 1995
4. Current Mar 6, 1995 (2x)
5. Current Oct 9, 1995
6. Current Feb 17, 1997
7. Current Mar 3, 1997
8. Current May 12, 1997
9. Current Jun 2, 1997
10. Current July 7/21, 1997
Non-KPFT Publications 70s-90s
1. The Guide 1988 (Pride Week June 17-26)
2. Womynspace February 1988
3. The Houston Reader Sept 20-26 1995
4. Music And Arts Monthly June 1984
5. Houston Blues Society Newsletter Spring 1995
6. Juneteenth 1981 Souvenir Guide
7. Lone Star Sierran Winter 1995
8. Oyate Wicaho April-August 1983 (publication of the Dakota American Indian Movement)
9. Bluegrass Unlimited, June 1996 (KPFT article inside)
Box E Top reads Program Guides 1970 - 1983, side reads Box 3 Program Guides 1972-81
1970s KPFT Folios/Program/Radio Guides 1970s Manilla Folder
1. KPFT FM90 Aug 1980? (3x)
2. April 1979 Perspective
3. June 1979 Perspective
4. February, 1972 Radio Guide
5. August, 1971 Program Guide Poster (8x)
6. December 1971 Radio Guide
7. KPFT FM90 July (1980?) program guide
8. May 1970 Folio
9. March 1972 Folio
March, April May, 1971 Manilla Folder
1. March Schedule Poster (2x)
2. April Schedule Poster
3. May Schedule Poster
Aug 1972 Manilla Folder
1. August 1972 Radio Guide
September 1972 Manilla Folder
1. September Radio Guide
Nov 1972 Manilla Folder
1. November Radio Guide (2x)
Dec 1972 Manilla Folder
1. December Radio Guide
Jan 1973 Manilla Folder
1. January Radio Guide
March 1973 Manilla Folder
1. March Radio Guide
April 1973 Manilla Folder
1. April Radio Guide (4x)
May 1973 Manilla Folder
1. May Radio Guide (5x)
August 1973 Manilla Folder
1. August 1 1973 (header missing)
Sept 1973 Manilla Folder
1. September Radio Guide
October 1973 Manilla Folder
1. KPFT Folio (2x)
Nov 1973 Manilla Folder
1. KPFT Folio (3x)
December 1973 Manilla Folder
1. December 73 KPFT Radio Guide (5x)
Switches Manilla Folder
1. January 1974 Folio (2x)
Feb 1974 Manilla Folder
1. Feb 1974 Folio (x4)
March 1974 Manilla Folder
1. KPFT Folio March 1974 (2x)
April 1974 Manilla Folder
1. Radio Guide April 1974
May (torn label) Manilla Folder
1. Radio Guide May 1974
June 1974 Manilla Folder
1. Mighty 90 News June 1974
February 1975 Manilla Folder
1. Mighty 90 News & World Report (3x)
October 1975 Manilla Folder
1. Mighty 90 News & World Report
Dec 75
1. Mighty 90 News & World Report December Edition
September 1976 Manilla Folder
1. Mighty 90 News & World Report September 1976 (3x)
October 1976 Manilla Folder
1. Mighty 90 News & World Report October 1976 (18x)
Jan 1978 Manilla Folder
1. KPFT FM 90 May (2x)
2. KPFT FM 90 July
3. KPFT FM 90 November
Unlabeled Manilla Folder
1. KPFT FM 90 July (2x, 1980?)
Aug 80 Manilla Folder
1. Empty
Nov 81 Manilla Folder
1. KPFT 1981 November (31x)
Dec 1981 Manilla Folder
1. KPFT 1981 December (28x)
2. KPFT 1981 October (2x)
Feb 82 Manilla Folder
1. February 1982 90.1 KPFT (4x)
Mar-Apr 82
1. March/April 1982 90.1 KPFT (8x)
May 82 Manilla Folder
1. May 1982 90.1 KPFT (14x)
June 82 Manilla Folder
1. KPFT June 1982 (7x)
July 82 Manilla Folder
1. KPFT FM 90.1 (2x)
Aug 82 Manilla Folder
1. The Radio Guide August 1982 (3x)
Sept 82 Manilla Folder
1. The Radio Guide September 1982 (4x)
October 1982 Manilla Folder
1. Radio Guide October 1982 (2x)
Nov 1982 Manilla Folder
1. Radio Guide November 1982 (11x)
Dec 1982 Manilla Folder
1. KPFT 90FM December 1982 (17x)
Jan 1983 Manilla Folder
1. KPFT 90FM January 1983 (2x)
Feb 1983 Manilla Folder
1. KPFT 90FM February 1983 (10x)
Entex Manilla Folder
1. KPFT 90FM April 1983 (2x)
May 82 Manilla Folder
1. KPFT 90FM May 1983 (7x)
June 83 Manilla Folder
1. KPFT 90FM June 1983 (4x)
Ismael Reyes Manilla Folder
1. KPFT 90FM July 1983 (8x)
2. KPFT 90FM June 1983
Sept 1983 Manilla Folder
1. KPFT 90FM September (10x)
Nov 83 Manilla Folder
1. KPFT 90FM November 1983 (13x)
Dec 1983 Manilla Folder
1. KPFT 90FM December 1983 (2x)
March 85 Manilla Folder Empty
Unboxed Material boxed in new container, Box F
Brown hanging folder, unlabeled (#1 added)
1. 2 inch thick bundle of press clippings, mostly related to KPFT
Brown hanging folder, unlabeled (#2 added)
1. 1 inch thick bundle of press clippings, mostly related to KPFT
Brown hanging folder, unlabeled (#3 added)
1. 2 inch thick bundle of press clippings, mostly related to KPFT
Brown hanging folder, unlabeled (#4 added)
1. 2 inch thick bundle of press clippings, mostly related to KPFT
KPFT Station Meetings 1976 Manilla Folder
1. Agenda, minutes, and station Correspondence
Supportive Letters 1973 Manilla Folder
1. As labeled, on fading paper stock
CPB 1970 Grant Report Manilla Folder
1. Grant documents including Paid checks to document expenses
Manager Applicants 1972 Manilla Folder
1. Resumes, lists of candidates, outgoing manager letter
Opinion Papers Manilla Folder
1. 1972 essays from various people
2. handwritten resume/job application?
NPR Membership KPFT Correspondence Manilla Folder
1. Various documents from 1971-77 regarding KPFT and Pacifica affiliation with NPR
Letters From Listeners For The Month Of January 1978 Manilla Folder
1. As labeled
Letters From Listeners For The Month Of April 1978 Manilla Folder
1. As labeled
March 16 1977 March 23 1977 Stamps, no label Manilla Folder
1. Letters from listeners, March 1977
General Manager Communication -- G Dallas Mayer Manilla Folder
1. May 1977 letter and writings from Intermin GM G Dallas Mayer
Pre-KPFT letters etc Manilla Folder
1. Letters and notes from 1967+
Bulletin FCC Manilla Folder
1. FCC documents including a listener complaint about commercial content on educationally licensed KPFT
FCC......Fairness Doctrine / telephone interview programs WBAI case letter Manilla Folder
1. Documents regarding FCC rulemaking and a listener complaint about WBAI
Pacifica Newsletters Manilla Folder
1. 1969 documents about KPFT licensing
2. 1976 Pacifica Newsletters
Pacifica Newsletters Manilla Folder
1. 1972 and 1976 newsletters, as labeled
FCC Matters Brown File Pocket
1. Misc listener Correspondence
KPFT History Correspondence Manilla Folder
1. 1968/69 letters from Larry Lee & Don Gardner
KPFT History-Financial-Pledges Manilla Folder
1. 2 pledge forms from 1969
Pacifica-KPFT Correspondence Manilla Folder
1. Various letters, 1969
Art Auction 1969 Manilla Folder
1. Letters & Documents for art auction
Pacifica Foundation Manilla Folder
1. Listener letters and Pacifica documents dates from mid 70s to mid 80s, mostly in 1980.
Listener Mail Week of All 1977 Manilla Folder
1. As labeled
4/20/1977 Manilla Folder
1. Listener letters from March/April 1977
Misc Manilla Folder
1. April 1974 letter regarding Listener Sponsored Day
Unsorted #1 Brown Folder (new folder, loose bundle from box)
1. Listener letters from mid-1970s
2. KPFT Station Meeting Agendas, 1976-77
3. KPFT Correspondence early 70s
Unsorted #2 Brown Folder (new folder, loose bundle from box)
1. Correspondence related to second bombing return-to-air fundraising
2. Correspondence regarding Advisory board members
3. Listener correspondence from late 70s
Unsorted #3 Brown Folder (new folder, loose bundle from box)
1. Station correspondence 70-73/4 including interim GM Lousisa Shaw appointed for 90 days, to conclude July? 1973
Unsorted #4 Brown Folder (new folder, loose bundle from box)
1. Bundle labeled "Office Paperwork no date"
2. Bundle labeled "Correspondence Without A Date"
3. Bundle labeled "Historical Documents"
4. Bundle labeled "Randalls"
Unsorted #5 Brown Folder (new folder, loose bundle from box)
1. Extensive correspondence from attorneys and FCC, 1973-78
Box G: Bound reprints of KPFT/Pacifica Reports
1. Listener Behavior Report KPFA, KPFK, KPFT, WBAI, & WPFW Summer 2004
2. Sealed letter to Duane Bradley, 2002, from PRPD
3. April 6, 2002 Letter and information packet to Garland Ganter from Institute Of International Education
4. Pacifica National Board Meeting Houston, Texas October 28-30, 2005
5. Pacifica National Board Meeting March 23-26, 2006 Los Angeles, CA
6. Misc documents and elections material from/for item #5
7. Pacifica National Board Meeting September 29-Oct 1, 2006 Berkeley, CA
8. Pacifica National Board Meeting June 1-4, 2006 New York, NY
9. PNB Meeting 01/07 Houston
10. Pacifica National Board Meeting January 26-28, 2007 Houston, Texas
11. Pacifica Annual Board Meeting Washington, DC Jan 27-29, 2006
12. Pacifica National Board Meeting Washington, DC April 20-22, 2007
13. Pacifica National Board Meeting July 27-29, 2006 Los Angeles, CA
14. Pacifica National Board Meeting September 28-30, 2007 Berkeley, CA
Box H: piles of listener correspondence and perhaps other files.
1. Sort box:
2. sort into folders based on date, note any items APPARENTLY NOT from listeners
Unboxed, misc materials
1. Pacifica Radio Archives Report To The Pacifica National board 2007 (with bonus CD)
2. Transamerica Telecommunications Inc Binder with
2a. Outline of TTI equipment and offerings
2b. unrelated 1970s radio transmitter schematics