In 2019 Chuck Roast, owner of Vinal Edge Records, gave an interview to Razorcake magazine about the KPFT Punk Rock show "Funhouse"

Funhouse photo


Archival copy of Razorcake Interview (PDF)


1. Excerpts from the October 28, 1985 episode of Funhouse

2. Excerpt from November 11, 1985 episode of Funhouse

3. 1989 Deadhorse In-studio apperance

4. 1989 scoped Funhouse with Austin Caustic

5. 1985 scoped Chuck Roast and partial interview with Contortion Session



Samples 3, 4, & 5 most likely posted by Deadthyme host Jason Beck, originally posted to the Houston Punk Archives, but now living at (*/* ). The samples here have been normalized and had tape hiss reduced via Adobe Audition post-processing.

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