The Show
In March of 1993 Jack Valinski returned with a show under the name Lesbian & Gay Voices, which he re-named Queer Voices in January of 2002. It was co-hosted with Deborah Bell (also of Wilde-N-Stein) until she left in 1995.
Audio Samples
- 1994 Flirts promo
- 1994 Sara McLachlan:
- 1994 Dianne Hardy Garcia:
- Full Source Capture of
- Simplified Capture of
- Some text for this article is take in whole from under the generous license provided by those creators. The Documents section of this post include PDF captures of the full and simplified versions of the original, including the license terms in force at the time of capture.
- Audio clip(s) and descriptive text used by permission of JD Doyle and originate from