Bill and Jason's show got an extra hour (making it now 3 hours) but the station insisted the name be changed from Ejacula to something else, so they changed the name to Audio Friction.
Wes went to KTRU (Rice radio) and started a new show called From the Depths that was pretty much the exact same format as Sweet Nightmares.
KPFT got new management and moved Audio Friction around a bit, and Bill asked if he could call it Ejacula again. The new management agreed it was ok, and the Ejacula show name was back on the air.
In 2003 Jason started going up to KTRU and joining Wes on From the Depts as well.
This went on for several years, but in 2005 the station moved the Ejacula show to a time and day that Jason could not come to anymore because of his work schedule. It was a much earlier and better time (instead of the middle of the night) but Bill would have to change the name again, because they didn't want a show called Ejacula on that early.
Bill wanted to change the name to Mixed Metal Arts because he had become a big fan of UFC, but he also toyed with the idea of calling it Sweet Nightmartes again. Both Wes and Jason were against him calling it Sweet Nightmares because they did not think he could keep the sound and legacy of the show the way it had been in the 90s and they wanted him to do his own thing, however there were a lot of people who wanted to be a part of the show, and he said that they convinced him to call it Sweet Nightmares because that really meant a lot to them to be able to become a part of that legacy.
So Sweet Nightmares 2.0 was born, 6 years after the end of the earlier version.