Jason was given his own show called Deadthyme on which he played punk, thrash, hardcore, crossover, grindcore, industrial, death rock, experimental, and other forms of weird and offbeat music.
Bill actually did a pretty good job of keeping the sound of the old school Sweet Nightmares for a little while, but started mixing in stuff like he had played on Ejacula before too long.
He also had many co-hosts during the earlier periods of Sweet Nightmares 2.0. Luis Carlos was the first to really stick with it, and Slaytanic Sal also stayed around for a while and was one of the better sounding people who came down to do the show with Bill. David Herrera and Jessikill came down and brought more heavy metal and old school stuff, and Herman Garcia brought a lot of local music. There was a guy who I believe was named Marcutio (sp-?) who brought in quite a bit of underground black and some death metal- he was very knowledgeable and contributed a lot to the show. Bill had about decided he would make the best permanent co-host when he ended up having to move to Washington.
After that some other people also started coming down- Krystal Salinas brought more djent and metalcore type stuff and Chaos Andy brought in groove metal. It became a very varied show. Jason still came down when he could, and burned Bill many cds to play so there would still be a lot of underground stuff on the show.
Many other random people started showing up to hang out every week, and with so many people coming down it became very chaotic with a lot of people there all talking over each other and trying to make witty comments about everything Bill was saying on the air and he felt like he lost control of the show, so one day he kicked everyone out and said only a few certain people could come up for a while. One of those people was Herman, who was always respectful and didn't try to talk over Bill or attention whore out. Eventually he became the co-host of the show.
Meanwhile Jason and Wes both quit doing From the Depths on KTRU (around 2010) because the station was changing so much and wanting to focus on mainly having student DJS (and neither of them were students).
On November 5th 2014, Bill was very excited to go to the King Diamond show, but started feeling very bad at the show and even worse afterwards. He had some fairly large health issues and had been in and out of the hospital a bit, but the next day he had a brain incident comparable to an aneurysm and was taken to the emergency room.
He was admitted to several hospitals over the next year, and Herman took over doing the show full time.